Is Functional Training the best way to train your midsection?

What if I said that if you would but focus on one simple thing, your waistline and fitness would improve tenfold? Well it’s true and in this blog post we are going to dissect this area affectionately called, The Core.


So what is the “Silver Bullet” to kill the the beast that rest above the belt. Well it’s no more than your old friend Good Posture. Yup, old friend. Posture is some thing we lose over time. Bad posture is something we gain after a lifetime of inactivity and atrophy. I know you might be thinking what does standing up straight have to do with my waist and body fat. Well, “good posture” isn’t just about your head and shoulders.

“Your Posture Now Determines Your Portion Later.” – Bradley Cooper

Good Posture, as it relates to being “Wrecking Ball Fit” is always referring to the position of your body from your toes all the way up to the top of your head. Where we get the most benefit is hands down in the midsection. When we hold this area tight, lifted, and united on all side, we give the body the support it needs to reach it’s potential.

You see, not only do your muscles burn fat, but they also shape your body. When you train your midsection to have “good posture” you are training those muscle to bring your waistline in. That’s right, sucking in your belly in is what you are supposed to do. It supports the spine but also stops the fat from collecting above your belt and under the muscle. The more efficiently you build muscle in this area, the fewer places unwanted belly fat has to collect. The trick being to build it efficiently, layer by layer, from the inside out.

“Never slouch, as doing so compresses the lungs, overcrowds other vital organs, rounds the back, and throws you off balance.” – Joseph H. Pilates

But don’t just take my word for it. Here is a great article that shares their perspective on how strength training benefits weight loss goals. The Workout You Need To Do If…

I am happy to share what I have learned about myself and the body through my many years training with Kettlebells and incorporating Functional Training. This workout is designed to target the Midsection from all sides. I love a nice six pack but at WreckFit, we believe “why stop there”.

For best results complete 2 sets on both the left and the right arm. Take minimal rest between sets. Use a weight that challenges you, but also allows you to complete an entire set with proper form.

☆ 10 KB Windmill
☆ 08 KB Suicide Press
☆ 06 KB Hollow Triangles
☆ 20 Rev. Crunch
☆ 08 Deck Squats
☆ 06 KB Good Mornings


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