"The Release of Carbon and Carbohydrate Digestion: A Surprisingly Interesting Connection"
The Release of Carbon and Carbohydrate Digestion, Why you have to breath to burn fat
Lately the world is split and at odds about carbon and climate. Butt let's not forget the obesity crisis. Pants are splitting over excess carbohydrates. Could these two seemingly unrelated calamities have a connection?
One day I was in my head, just bouncing from thought to thought when I settled for a moment on the question, where does the fat go when we burn it. I briefly danced with the notion that energy is never destroyed, it just changes form, and then boom. I was head first in the rabbit hole.
We vaporize the fat!
I thought this was so cool. Maybe not cool, but important. Sometimes, you just have to truly look at a situation and ask, "What am I doing?" It's like this: We have this FAT, and we want to get rid of it, but you can't. You have to recycle it because nature doesn't waste or destroy. Crazy right!? You have to vaporize the FAT so it can be reused by nature as carbon dioxide!
Cycle of Life or the Circulation of Energy
Carbon dioxide CO2 is in the atmosphere and increases the temperature, through Greenhouse Gasses. This is potential energy.
The Trees and Soil can absorb this potential energy, (Co2) and turn it into Glucose and fructose with the energy of the sun through Photosynthesis.
People burn a bunch of energy, ATP and oxygen, working the soil, picking the fruit and pulling the vegetables. We work up an appetite expending all that energy
People eat the Starches, Fruits, and Vegetables to extract the energy, Carbs.
Excess Carbs, the over abundance of energy, gets turned into fat and sit above our belt till we need it later.
Here's the tricky part. Turning that Fat into Vapor, or Carbon dioxide. This part needs a thorough explanation so here’s a Wiki on EXHALATION. This is the game changer. For 2 decades the focus has been on the muscle or building muscle. Build more muscle to burn more calories. For burning fat the discussion needs to be on energy. Primarily on aerobic and anaerobic energy systems.
The more you exhale Carbon Dioxide the more Fat you will burn.
These are not just my words. There is so much research on this topic. Here is an article in the Medical News Today, Majority of weight loss occurs via breathing, by James Macintosh.
So cool, I mean, important. I wanted to have this conversation with every client and potential new member of our program so I’m posting this simplified explanation of some incredibly intricate systems. That through what only could be described as magic, are able to work together. Maintaining a delicate balance of cause and effect, consequence and reward. Feel free to join in this conversation, or even better. Join our Online Group Training Kettlebell Program: WreckFIT Workout Lose 20 lbs. In 3 months!!!
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